Friday, March 16, 2012

Houston Masters Conference

I would love to have all my friends in the industry come join us for a very informative day at the Houston Masters Conference. Below you will find an invitation and code for registration.

Half-day CLE in Houston on social media, predictive coding, e-discovery and more

With the use of social media growing daily, and the proliferation of mobile devices at work, law firms and corporate legal departments are facing new and ever-growing challenges of data management, privacy and security. When technology changes rapidly, legal professionals must stay on top of the trends to protect their clients and their businesses.

Litigation support professionals and attorneys have a forum to stay ahead of the developments, gather the latest information and learn best-practices advice on e-discovery, data protection, records management and more: The Masters Series for Legal Professionals.

You and a colleague are invited to the Masters Series for Legal Professionals in Houston at The Downtown Club on Tuesday, March 20, 2012 followed by a cocktail reception until 7:30 p.m. The Masters Series for Legal Professionals offers two educational tracks that will allow attendees to learn from corporate and law firm thought leaders.

Some of the sessions include:
-        Social Media: An update on evolving trends and the effect they are having on the e-discovery landscape
-        Predictive coding: What is it? What’s next? Why is it important?
-        Corporate perspective on e-discovery procurement trends
-        Reviewing and revising corporate privacy policies for today’s relevancy and retention standards
-        Lockdown: Ensuring data is safe, secure and inaccessible to intruders
-        E-discovery in the energy sector

This half-day event is FREE for attorneys and litigation support professionals, and includes lunch, a keynote address, CLE-accredited sessions and a cocktail reception.

To learn more about each topic and to register, visit You must use CODE AMTX2012 to register. Register TODAY – the series is limited in size and is sure to fill.

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